By far, the best GDPR-compliant source of mobile numbers for sales
In Europe, Exportli wins against
👇 Powered by 20+ enrichment sources
All your prospects are on LinkedIn.
Now they can be in your CRM too
Turn LinkedIn profiles lists into reachable leads with a click, and import directly to your CRM or prospecting tools.
Mobile numbers that connect, powered by 15+ enrichment providers
We give you phone numbers your competitors can't find, using more than 15 top-tier data providers like RocketReach, People Data Labs and Apollo.
Unmatched email accuracy, powered by 20+ enrichment providers
We're obsessed with getting you accurate emails, and invest a majority of every subscription fee in best-in-class enrichment and verification tools
Data cleaned and filtered, ready to use in your CRM or outreach tools
Accurate, relevant, and verified — no irrelevant roles, off-target geographies, or missing data. We filter out the rest, so you get only the good stuff.
"Exportli is about half the price of other LinkedIn scraper tools I've tried, and the emails are so much more accurate. It's my LinkedIn cheat code for prospecting.
We absolutely ❤️ it!"
Harvey Carpenter
Founder at Growform